Our Objective

National Provisions for Senior Citizens in Nepal

The world is ageing fast. By 2030, there will be more people over 60 than under 10 years of age.

  • The world’s population is rapidly ageing: The number of people aged 60 years or older will rise from 900 million to 2 billion between 2015 and 2050 (moving from 12% to 22% of the total global population).
  • Ageism can be as pervasive than sexism or racism
  • When it comes to health, there is no ‘typical’ older person: Biological ageing is only loosely associated with person age in years. Some 80 year-olds have physical and mental capacities similar to many 20 year-olds
  • Health in older age is not random:  Besides genetics, it is due to their physical and social environments, and the influence on their opportunities and health behaviour
  • Comprehensive public health action will require fundamental shifts in how we think about ageing and health
  • Health systems need to be realigned to the needs of older populations
  • In the 21st century, all countries need an integrated system of long-term care
  • Healthy Ageing involves all levels and sectors of government.



To create platforms where our elders can contribute their skills, expertise and economically participate through linkage with bazaars, like-minded organisations, companies and individuals

To address ageist stereotypes and create awareness on the changing demographics, the need for positive outlook to active ageing, and to promote age friendly communities where we want to age in

To address the issues of loneliness, dependency, and loss of confidence due to retirement, relocation, health status or family member’s migration or busy lifestyle, through social engagement activities